Looks like summer 2020 is showing promise for another rise in King salmon fishing. In 2019, the Southeast Alaska Winter Troll CPUE (the measure used to establish abundance) was 3.38. That number jumped to 4.83 in 2020. After a productive season of King salmon fishing in 2019, we have high hopes for an even better 2020! Learn more about our Alaska salmon fishing trips.

2020 King Salmon Sport Fishing Regulations
Nonresident: 1 King salmon per person per day (28 inches or greater in length)
Nonresident Annual Limit:
January 1 through June 30: 3 per person
July 1-7: 2 per person
July 8 through Dec 31: 1 per person
Historically, May and June are the best months to catch King salmon due to higher catch rates and annual limits in comparison to July, August & September. Our fishing packages are available May 20-Sept 5.