King Salmon: We experienced some super hot King salmon fishing during the final week of June, but it was followed up by a day or two of slower fishing. It was an early run for the Kings, with a consistent bite starting toward the end of April. For a minute, it felt like the Kings were leaving the area with a slow end to June and start of July. But as of mid July, the Kings are still here and in good numbers. With a daily/annual limit of 1 per person for the remainder of the season- chances are pretty good for each of our package guests to end up with their limit for most if not all of July. Good overall average size, and a couple 30 pounders topping the list.

Silver (Coho) salmon: The Cohos are finally here! After a slow start to early July we have seen some very strong numbers lately. The boats are getting 10-20 Silvers per day if the weather is good. Apparently I need to take some more pictures of these fish...
Halibut: Very consistent halibut fishing has been found off Cape Edgecumbe, as well as North of there. We have been getting limits most days thus far. As long as we have the time and half decent weather conditions, we have no trouble finding a limit of halibut. Great size too!

Blackcod (Sablefish): We have been doing pretty good on these lately. Learn more about Black Cod and why you need to catch one for yourself.

Lingcod: We have been catching a lot more of these this year, but they need to be 30-35 inches or over 55 inches to retain them for non-residents. Delicious!!!

Shortraker & other Nonpelagic Rockfish: Learn more about the Shortraker rockfish. Yelloweye rockfish population is also very plentiful.
Dungeness crab: We did our first deadliest catch set this year in late June.

Wildlife: Humpback whales. Brown bear. Bald eagles. Sealions. Seaotters. Seals. We got it all here in Sitka, Alaska.

Summary: For the most part the ocean conditions have been awesome this summer. We have seen some of the best weather these past couple of weeks. It makes the fishing so much more enjoyable and fun. Memories that last a lifetime! Hope to see you all in 2020.