Sitka, Alaska is home of the most productive fishing grounds for salmon, halibut, and cod in all of Alaska. Guests typically catch a variety of these species on every fishing day. Below is the list of the 2019 sport fishing regulations for Sitka, Alaska. Learn more about the best month to fish Sitka, Alaska.

Chinook (King) Salmon 2019 Regulations

Daily Limit: 1 King Salmon per person
Annual Limit: 3 King Salmon per person through June 30th, 1 King Salmon per person beginning July 1st
Size: 28 inches or longer
Peak Time: May and June
Coho (Silver) Salmon 2019 Regulations

Daily Limit: 6 Silver Salmon per person
Annual Limit: None
Size: 16 inches or longer
Peak Time: July, August, & September
Halibut 2019 Regulations (Area 2C)

Daily Limit: 1 Halibut per person
Annual Limit: None
Size: Under 38 inches or Over 80 inches (~277 lbs)
Peak Time: May - September
Ling Cod 2019 Regulations

Daily Limit: 1 Ling Cod per person
Annual Limit: 2 per person (one of which is 30-35 inches and other is > 55 inches)
Size: 30-35 inches or 55 inches and longer
Peak Time: May - September
Sablefish (Black Cod) 2019 Regulations

Daily Limit: 4 Black Cod per person
Annual Limit: 8 per person
Size: None
Peak Time: May - September
Pelagic Rockfish 2019 Regulations

Species: Black, Dusky, Yellowtail, Widow, Blue, & Dark Rockfish
Daily Limit: 3 Pelagic Rockfish per person
Annual Limit: None
Size: None
Peak Time: May - September
Non-Pelagic Rockfish 2019 Regulations

Species: Yelloweye, Quillback, Silvergray, Copper, Tiger, Shortraker & China Rockfish
*Daily Limit: 1 Non-Pelagic Rockfish per person
*Annual Limit: 1 Yelloweye Rockfish per person
Size: None
*Retention of non-pelagic rockfish is prohibited in all Southeast Outside waters from July 25th through August 31st, 2019
Shark 2019 Regulations
Species: Salmon Shark, Blue Shark, Dog Shark
Daily Limit: 1 Shark per person
Annual Limit: 2 Sharks per person
Size: None